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Passing an initial List of Habits

Right now, in MainView we're passing an empty Habits variable to ConfigView. We need to create and insert one Habits in the Realm so the information we add in our HabitDetailView is persisted.

Adding all Habits to MainView

We'll add a query that will read all Habits from the Database. When we start the app for the first time, there's nothing in there. We also need to import RealmSwift.

    @ObservedResults(Habits.self) var allHabitGroups

ProgressView or Tab

If we still don't have anything in our Database, we'll present a ProgressView. If we have something, we'll show the TabView.

  • in MainView we can then pass an initial list of habits
var body: some View {
// we need at least a Habits group to start adding habits
if let habits = allHabitGroups.first {
TabView {
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "calendar")
ConfigView(habits: habits)
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "wrench.and.screwdriver")
} else {

Adding a new Habits at startup

To have an instance of Habits, we'll add it when our ProgressView if shown.

// if no Habits group, we add one
.onAppear {

Testing on Sim

  • we can now run the app, add, delete, edit and reorder habits!
  • we can even use SimPholders and open the DB with MongoDB Realm Studio!