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Adding and Editing Habits

Adding or Editing?

We want to use this view for adding a new Habit or to edit an existing one. If we're adding, the injected habit will be blank. If editing, it'll contain data. To distinguish between these two modes we'll use a simple boolean variable isAddingNewHabit.

If we're adding a new Habit, we change the title to "New Habit" and a new "Save" button will add this new Habit to the list of habits

struct HabitDetailView: View {
@ObservedRealmObject var habit: Habit
@ObservedRealmObject var habits: Habits
@Binding var isAddingNewHabit: Bool

var body: some View {
VStack {
if isAddingNewHabit {
Text("New Habit")
} else {

List {
Section {
TextField("Name", text: $, prompt: Text("Enter habit name"))
TextField("Description", text: $habit.desc, prompt: Text("Enter habit description"))

if isAddingNewHabit {
Button("Save") {
isAddingNewHabit = false

We've deleted the .navigationTitle("New Habit") as now we're using the largeTitle Text to show if we're editing or adding.

Fixing the Preview (again)

As we just added a new parameter to our view, we need to pass it to the Preview

        return HabitDetailView(habit: Habit(name: "Exercise", desc: "Good for you!"),
habits: realm.objects(Habits.self).first!,
isAddingNewHabit: .constant(true))

We can change isAddingNewHabit in the preview to false and see how our screen looks while editing