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πŸ‘ Add Semantic Search to Your Application

You now know everything you need to add vector search capabilities to your application.

Configuring the environment variables​

In your server/.env file, you'll find a few variables that you can use to configure the application. Add a couple more at the end of the file to configure the embeddings source and the API key.


Your instructor will provide you with an API key that you can use for the event you're attending. Set it in the EMBEDDING_KEY variable.

Configuring the vector search query​

Open up the code from the server file server/src/controllers/books.ts once more, and edit the searchBooks method to query your data for semantic search.


Use the getEmbeddings function to convert the query into a vector.

public async searchBooks(query: string): Promise<Book[]> {
const vector = await getEmbeddings(query);
const aggregationPipeline = [
$vectorSearch: {
queryVector: vector,
path: 'embeddings',
numCandidates: 100,
index: 'vectorsearch',
limit: 100,
const books = await collections?.books?.aggregate(aggregationPipeline).toArray() as Book[];
return books;

To test the semantic search in the app, try to search for some books but use different words that have a similar meaning or are related to the book's cover.

You can use the following queries:

  • Canines doing stuff
  • Fluffy animals
  • European history