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πŸ“˜ Building the Hybrid Search Pipeline

In this section, we'll construct a hybrid search pipeline that combines the power of vector search for semantic similarity with the precision of full-text search. We'll use MongoDB's aggregation framework to create this pipeline.

3.1 Vector Search Stage​

The first stage of our pipeline will be the vector search. This allows us to find books with synopses that are semantically similar to our query.

$vectorSearch: {
index: "books_synopsis_vector",
path: "embeddings",
queryVector: [0.1, -0.2, 0.3, ...], // Your query vector here
numCandidates: 100,
limit: 20

Let's break this down:

  • index: The name of your vector index.
  • path: The field containing your embeddings.
  • queryVector: The vector representation of your search query.
  • numCandidates: The number of initial candidates to consider.
  • limit: The maximum number of results to return from this stage.

3.2 Text Search Stage​

Next, we'll add a text search stage to find books based on title and author matches.

$search: {
index: "books_text_index",
compound: {
should: [
text: {
query: "your search query",
path: "title",
score: { boost: { value: 3 } }
text: {
query: "your search query",
path: "",
score: { boost: { value: 2 } }

Key points:​

  • We're using a compound query with "should" clauses.
  • We search in both title and fields.
  • The boost values (3 for title, 2 for author) give more weight to title matches.