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Deleting records involves removing existing documents from the database. MongoRepository provides methods to perform these deletions, such as delete(), deleteById(), deleteAll(), and custom query methods.

delete (Delete a Single Document)

To delete a single document, you can use the delete() method. This method will delete the specified document from the database.

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public class StudentService {
private StudentRepository repository;

public void deleteGrade(Grade grade) {

To delete a grade by studentId:

private StudentRepository repository;

public void deleteGradeByStudentId(double studentId) {
Grade grade = repository.findByStudentId(studentId);
if (grade != null) {
System.out.println("Deleted grade: " + grade);


To delete a document by its id, you can use the deleteById() method. This method will delete the document identified by the given id.

To delete a grade by its id:

private StudentRepository repository;

public void deleteGradeById(String gradeId) {
System.out.println("Deleted grade with id: " + gradeId);

deleteAll (Delete Multiple Documents)

To delete multiple documents at once, use the deleteAll() method provided by the StudentRepository. You can pass a list of Grade objects to this method, and it will delete all the specified grades.

To delete all grades with studentId greater than or equal to 10000:

private StudentRepository repository;

public void deleteGradesForStudentIdGreaterThanEqual(double studentId) {
System.out.println("Deleted all grades with student_id >= " + studentId);


To delete all documents in a collection, you can use the deleteAll() method without any arguments. This method will delete all the documents in the specified collection.

To delete the entire contents of the grades collection:

private StudentRepository repository;

public void deleteAllGrades() {
System.out.println("Deleted the entire grades collection.");

Depending on your reasoning for deleting the entire contents of a collecion, it might make more sense for you to just drop the collection. In which case, using the dropCollection() method from MongoTemplate is a far more performant choice;
