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Welcome to the begininning of CRUD! MongoRepository provides methods for creating, reading, updating, and deleting documents in a MongoDB collection. It includes methods like save(), findById(), findAll(), deleteById(), etc.

The create operation involves inserting or adding new data to the database, creating a new record or document.


To create a single grade, you can use the save() method provided by the StudentRepository. Create a new instance of the Grade class, set its attributes, and call the save() method to persist it to the database.

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public class StudentService {
private StudentRepository repository;

public Grade saveGrade(Grade grade) {


To create multiple grades at once, use the saveAll() method provided by the StudentRepository. Pass a list of Grade objects to this method, and it will save all the grades in a single batch operation.

public List<Grade> saveGrades(List<Grade> grades) {
return repository.saveAll(grades);


Alternatively, you can use the insert() method provided by the StudentRepository to insert a grade into the database. This method differs from save() in that it only performs an insert operation and does not perform an update if the grade already exists.

public Grade insertGrade(Grade grade) {
return repository.insert(grade);