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Day Models

Create a new Model Classes "Day"

A Day is the record of habits for that day. We'll add a helper function to create one Day adding all Habits already added to the Realm.

import Foundation
import RealmSwift

public class Day: Object, ObjectKeyIdentifiable {
@Persisted(primaryKey: true) var _id: ObjectId

@Persisted var date = Date()
@Persisted var habits = RealmSwift.List<Habit>()

static func createDayWithHabitsInRealm(realm: Realm) -> Day {
let day = Day()

let allHabits = realm.objects(Habits.self)
if let firstHabitCollection = allHabits.first {
let habits = firstHabitCollection.habits

if !habits.isEmpty {
for habit in habits {

return day

Update Habit

We're using here a static method Habit.from that we need to add to our Habit model:

static func from(_ habit: Habit) -> Habit {
return Habit(name:, desc: habit.desc)

Create a new Model Class "Days"

This will contain a list of all the days we've been tracking our habits.

import Foundation
import RealmSwift

class Days: Object, ObjectKeyIdentifiable {
@Persisted(primaryKey: true) var _id: ObjectId

@Persisted var days = RealmSwift.List<Day>()