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Realm Environment Variables

Environment .realm

Atlas Device SDK defines several environment variables in SwiftUI, we've already used one in this preview:

To use this data we change the preview in ConfigView.swift. We can call realmWithData as it's a static member of PreviewProvider now.

struct ConfigView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
let realm = realmWithData()
return ConfigView(habits: realm.objects(Habits.self).first!)
.environment(\.realm, realm)

The default Realm is created by the Atlas Device SDK and we can access it using the path \.realm, but we can inject a new realm to other views down our hierarchy using:

.environment(\.realm, realm)

Environment .realmConfig

We can also change the default Realm Config and inject it using the environment with:

.environment(\.realmConfig, realmConfig)