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Bypassing the Migration

Simplest way to bypass the Migration

We can drop the database each time we make a change in the schema using deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded. This is a quick way to bypass the migration while in development but we should never ship an app using this.

Add the RealmSwift import

import RealmSwift

This will create a problem, as both SwiftUI and RealmSwift have an App type. To fix this, we'll add SwiftUI to our app like:

struct GoodHabitsRealmAppApp: SwiftUI.App {

Get default config and set deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded

Here we just change the config for DEBUG builds. This way we avoid shipping this code.

// ...
struct GoodHabitsRealmAppApp: SwiftUI.App {
var config = Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration

init() {
config.deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded = true

// ...

Complete listing

Our new GoodHabitsRealmAppApp look like this. Now we can change our schema without getting errors, but we'll lose any changes in the database.

import SwiftUI
import RealmSwift

struct GoodHabitsRealmAppApp: SwiftUI.App {
var config = Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration

init() {
config.deleteRealmIfMigrationNeeded = true

var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.environment(\.realmConfiguration, config)