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Construct search queries

You can construct Atlas Search queries with the $search aggregation pipeline stage.

MongoDB aggregation pipelines are multi-stage ‘assembly lines’ that reshape data and perform calculations. Pipelines can consist of one or more aggregation stages, performing different operations like match, group, sort, and output. For an exhaustive list of all available stages visit Aggregation Pipeline Stages.

In this section, we'll build an aggregation pipeline with the $search stage which performs full-text search using an Atlas Search index. The stage supports multiple operators such as:

  • text
  • wildcard
  • near
  • autocomplete

In this section, you'll use the text operator which performs textual analyzed search.

Aggregations in the Atlas UI

  1. Navigate to the Collections tab of your database deployment.

    Collections tab highlighted on database deployments page
  2. Navigate to the Aggregation tab from the navbar under your collection details.

    Aggregations tab highlighted on the collection details page
  3. Click the first stage link.

    'first stage' link highlighted on the aggregation page
  4. Scroll do the Stage 1 section and type $search in the select input.

    Stage 1 of the pipeline with the $search stage selected
  5. Add the following code for the $search stage.

    index: "default",
    text: {
    query: "Messi",
    path: "short_name"

    The stage uses the "default" index. You don't need to explicitly define the index if it's "default" but you can keep it for clarity.

    The text operator will search for “Messi” in the short_name field. You should see a single document returned on the right.

  6. Click the Add Stage button, scroll down, and select $project for Stage 2.

    Stage 1 of the pipeline with the $project stage selected
  7. Add the following implementation for the $project stage to filter the returned fields.

    _id: 0,
    short_name: 1,
    long_name: 1,
    overall: 1,
    club_name: 1

    This is not an exact match search but a textual analyzed search. The full text in the short_name field is “L. Messi”. If instead of an aggregation pipeline and $search, you use collection.find({ short_name: "Messi" }), you won't get this document in the results.

Fuzzy matching

Next, you'll implement fuzzy matching also known as approximate string matching. Fuzzy matching helps identify two texts that are approximately similar but not exactly the same.

Try changing the query value to “Mesi”. No documents are returned. Using fuzzy matching you will be able to find the Messi document even if you misspell the name in the query.

Scroll up to Stage 1 and replace the code with the following.

index: "default",
text: {
query: "Mesi",
path: "short_name",
fuzzy: {
maxEdits: 1

You can now see that all documents with short_name similar to “Mesi” show up in the results. You can adjust the maxEdits parameter to specify how similar the returned documents can be to the query.

Document scores and modifying the search results order

In information retrieval, relevance scoring is a technique used to evaluate how closely a document matches a query. Atlas Search is built on Apache Lucene. Lucene utilizes a combination of the Vector Space Model (VSM) and the Boolean model to determine the relevance score of each search result. The VSM assesses the similarity between the query and the document, while the Boolean model determines if the document contains all the query terms. Based on these factors, Lucene assigns a score to each search result, indicating its relevance to the query.


The aggregation that we used just now returns multiple documents. Among the results are the expected Messi but also Mesa, Meli, Musi, and Mei. All of these are one character away from Mesi! To get the most popular Messi showing up first in the results, you can use the function to alter the relevance score.

You can see what's the score for each returned document by amending the $project stage.

  1. Scroll down to Stage 2 and add the following.

    _id: 0,
    short_name: 1,
    long_name: 1,
    overall: 1,
    club_name: 1,
    score: { $meta: "searchScore" }

    On the right, you'll see the documents with the highest score first. You can also notice that the documents have the same score or a very close score. That's because all texts are 'one character away' from the query.

  2. Scroll up to Stage 1 and add a scoring function.

    index: "default",
    text: {
    query: "Mesi",
    path: "short_name",
    fuzzy: {
    maxEdits: 1
    score: {
    function: {
    add: [
    { path: 'overall' },
    { score: 'relevance' }

    You're modifying the default relevance score by using the function option. The function calculates the score by adding the value of the overall field and the relevance score. That way, the players with the highest overall values will rank first in the search results.