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πŸ‘ Simple arrays

πŸ‘ Get all the Science Fiction Books​

Can I get all books for the genre Science Fiction?. Turns out it's quite simple:

$match: {
genres: 'Science Fiction'

Remember that will include any book that has any other genre as long as it has Science Fiction in genres.

πŸ‘ Find all the books that belong at least to both genres "Fiction" and "Science Fiction"​

If you want to search for all books that have "Fiction" and "Science Fiction", in any order (and possibly other genres) use:

{$match: {
genres: {$all: ['Science Fiction', 'Fiction'] }
{$project: {
title: 1,
genres: 1

πŸ‘ Find books with either genre​

$match: {
genres: { $in: ['Science Fiction', 'Fiction'] }

πŸ‘ Find all the books that belong only to the genres "Fiction" and "Science Fiction"​

In this case, we want books that have both "Fiction" and "Science Fiction" in the genres array and nothing else. So we're looking for documents that contain a genres array exactly as ['Fiction', 'Science Fiction']. We're not looking for the individual genres that could be inside the array, instead we are comparing the whole array on each document.

{$match: {
genres: ['Fiction', 'Science Fiction']
{$project: {
title: 1,
genres: 1

Here we're comparing the whole array. Element order is important. With this comparison you'll get nothing in return:

{$match: {
genres: ['Science Fiction', 'Fiction']
{$project: {
title: 1,
genres: 1