๐๏ธ ๐ Clean book attributes up
We want to clean up the book_attributes array in our MongoDB schema. We want an array of objects containing attributes, modelled a key value pairs. something like:
๐๏ธ ๐ Change genres in books
We want to modify the MongoDB schema so that each book's genres are represented as an array of strings. We'll have data duplication, as genres will get copied on each book. This is a good strategy if the duplicated data does not change often.
๐๏ธ ๐ Add authors details to the books collection
We want to modify the MongoDB schema so that each book contains an array of its authors.
๐๏ธ ๐ Remove unused ids from author details in books collection
We want to modify the MongoDB schema so that each book contains an array of its authors.
๐๏ธ ๐ Add last three reviews to each book (from reviews table)
We want to modify the MongoDB schema so that each book contains an array of its latest three reviews.
๐๏ธ ๐ Add aliases to authors
We want to modify the MongoDB schema so that each author's aliases are represented as an array of strings.
๐๏ธ ๐ฆธ Edit mapping to authors collection (from author_book table)
Extra activity! Do it if you have extra time or are following along at home. It won't be covered during the hands-on lab.
๐๏ธ ๐ฆธ Add mapping to issueDetails collection (from books table)
Extra activity! Do it if you have extra time or are following along at home. It won't be covered during the hands-on lab.
๐๏ธ ๐ฆธ Add mapping to issueDetails collection (from users table)
Extra activity! Do it if you have extra time or are following along at home. It won't be covered during the hands-on lab.
๐๏ธ ๐ฆธ Edit mapping to issueDetails collection (from issue_details table)
Extra activity! Do it if you have extra time or are following along at home. It won't be covered during the hands-on lab.
๐๏ธ ๐ฆธ Add mapping to reviews collection (from users table)
Extra activity! Do it if you have extra time or are following along at home. It won't be covered during the hands-on lab.