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πŸ¦Έβ€β™‚οΈ Advanced lookups


Extra activity! Do it if you have extra time or are following along at home. It won't be covered during the hands-on lab.

We get this request: Write a $lookup to get name and bio from author's information inside each book document. To get this done, we need to review several things:

  • Each book can have several authors. This many-to-many relationship (as an author can also write many books) is modeled using two different arrays: a books array in the authors collection and an authors array in the books collection.
  • So we'll need to get a separate document for each book that has more than one author. If a book has three authors, we'll use $unwind to get three documents with the same data except for the author, which will be each of the three authors.

You can try this with this aggregation pipeline:

// as a book can have many authors, we get one doc per book's author
{$unwind: "$authors"},
// remove some noisy fields
{$project: {attributes: 0, reviews: 0}}
  • Now, we need to get the authors' information. For that, we'll use $lookup, linking the _id in the authors collection with the _id we have in each book's authors array. But as we can see here, these have a different type: The ones inside our array are strings, while the author collection _id are ObjectId.
  authors: {
_id: '64cc2db4830ba29148da64a2',
name: 'Timothy Findley'

So we need to convert from String into ObjectId. We can do that using $toObjectId. This will add a new field, authorId, converting it into ObjectId:

// as a book can have many authors, we get one doc per book's author
{$unwind: "$authors"},
// convert it to an objectId
// remove some noisy fields
{$project: {attributes: 0, reviews: 0}}
  • Now, we're ready to do the $lookup: We want all documents from authors that have the same _id as the authorId we just created. We use a pipeline to get just authors name and bio.
// as a book can have many authors, we get one doc per book's author
{$unwind: "$authors"},
// convert it to an objectId
{$lookup: {
from: "authors",
localField: "authorId",
foreignField: "_id",
pipeline: [
{$project: {name: 1, bio: 1}},
as: "bookAuthorDetails"
// remove some noisy fields
{$project: {attributes: 0, reviews: 0}}